A Brief Introduction

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has made the decision to revoke my medical license because they have accused me of sexually abusing a patient.
I am a survivor of physical and sexual violence, extortion, and prolonged psychological terror. The man who did this to me is a serial predator with a lengthy criminal record who was recently declared a registered sex offender for life. He has terrorized and abused multiple women and girls, including me. This is the man that the College alleges I sexually abused.
Two weeks ago, I made the very heart-wrenching decision to not defend myself against these accusations at a formal hearing. It is my intention to share the reasons why I made this decision, and also to share the details of what I experienced at the hands of this man, but only when I am ready. For now, I will just say that I have lived in constant fear of both him and the College for a very long time. I am very fearful of the consequences of making even this simple statement.
I want to encourage anyone who is experiencing gender-based violence to seek help. I stayed trapped in a place where I was controlled and terrorized for a very long time because I was afraid of the consequences of asking for help. Despite everything that has happened, I am still alive. There were times when my survival was very much in doubt. After much reflection, I wish that I had asked for help. Perhaps that would have enabled me to escape earlier from my abuser’s violence and control.
Moving forward, I am committed to working towards better outcomes for women and girls who are experiencing gender-based violence. I fully intend to share more of my story someday soon.
Until then, take very good care.